En familia

An Introduction To Spanish

By Ed Lazzara

Print Flash Cards

Click on the links below to open the vocabulary page files for each chapter. Then, print these pages on cardstock, cut on the dashed lines, and write the Spanish words on the back of each card. Do not write anything in English.

Capítulo 1 Flash Cards

Capítulo 2 Flash Cards

Capítulo 3 Flash Cards

Capítulo 4 Flash Cards

Capítulo 5 Flash Cards

Capítulo 6 Flash Cards

Capítulo 7 Flash Cards

Capítulo 8 Flash Cards

Capítulo 9 Flash Cards

Capítulo 10 Flash Cards

Capítulo 11 Flash Cards

Capítulo 12 Flash Cards



Electronic Flash Cards

Click on the link below for the flash cards you would like to add to your backpack.


En familia flash cards


From there, either set up a new account or Sign in with your existing login.