Communication Pathways
Joseph M. Valenzano, III, Melissa Broeckelman-Post, and Erin S. Parcell
Second Edition
Chapter 1: The Basics of Communication
Chapter 2: Communication, Culture, and Diversity
Chapter 3: Perception and the Self
Chapter 4: Dialogic Communication
Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 8: Relationship Development
Chapter 9: Relationship Maintenance
Chapter 10: Communication in Intimate Relationships
Chapter 11: Mediated Relationships
Chapter 12: Interpersonal Conflict
Chapter 13: Nature of Formal Presentations
Chapter 14: Organizing Your Presentation
Chapter 16: Informative Speaking
Chapter 17: Persuasive Speaking
Chapter 18: Small Group Communication
Dr Seuss
A Wedding Toast - Good
Service Learning - better
College Success - Needs Improvement
College Success - Better
Libertarianism - Needs Improvement
Global Warming - Needs Improvement
Global Warming - Better
No Honor in Honors - Better
A Wedding Toast - Needs Improvement
Black Sox - Needs Improvement
Black Sox - Better
No Honor in Honors - Needs Improvement
Libertarianism Good Student Speech
George Washington Student Speech
Anorexia and Insurance Companies Speech
Ageism Speech
Capping Lawyer Fees
Organization of Special Occasion Speech
Organizing and Outlining
Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
Supporting Materials
The Five Canons of Rhetoric
How to Find and Evaluate sources
Powerpoint Guide
Why Public Speaking?
Ethical Language
Patterns of Organization
Special Occasion Speeches
Selecting a Topic
Skills for an Informative Presenter
General Purpose
How to prepare for a speech
Oral Citations
Ethics Sources
Ladder of Abstraction
Principles of Learning
Audience Analysis
Acting Out the Context and Situation
Facebook Buddies
Newspaper Article Outline
Professor Evaluation Sheet
Analyzing Advertisements
Finding and Evaluating Sources for your Speech
Oral Citations
Scavenger Hunt
Be Fly on the Fly
Hail to the King Activity
Organizational Pattern Chart
Spur of the Moment
Charades Charts
Handshake Activity
Organizational Patterns
The Night Before the Big Day
Code of Ethics
Idea Flow
Outline Scramble
Three Strikes, You’re Out
Conference Call Live Speech
In Their Shoes for Three Minutes
Partial Delivery
Transition Activity
Could You Say That Again
Personal Ad
Vampires vs. Zombies
Don’t just Reflect, Perform
Introduce Your Speech
Personal Citation
Video Vision Practice, Evaluate, and Perform
Face Your Fears
Is that plagiarism?
Persuade the Judges for 1,000,000
Visual Aids
Language Fishbowl
Pick Our Community Improvement
Famous Speakers
Model our Communication
Practicing Videoconferencing Speeches
You Can Pick Your Message, But You Can’t Pick Your Audience
Topic Selection Worksheet for the Informative Speech
Topic Selection Worksheet for the Persuasive Speech
Visual Sensory Aid