Signs: A Grammar Handbook
Allison D. Smith
First Edition
Allison D. Smith and Fountainhead Press have teamed up to publish Signs: A Grammar Handbook, a low-cost, student-friendly grammar handbook. By focusing on essentials and eliminating wasteful content, such as unused and unwanted support material, we have created a quality textbook that costs half that of comparable offerings.
QUICK EDITING ROADMAP (laminated pull out)
Preface to Instructors
How to Use this Handbook
Section I Word Level: Basic Grammar
1 Articles
2 Nouns
3 Pronouns
4 Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
5 Subjects
6 Verbs
7 Subject/Verb Agreement
8 Modifiers: Adjectives
9 Modifiers: Adverbs
10 Modifiers: Prepositions
Section II Word Level: Basic Usage and Style
11 Appropriate Word Choice
12 Commonly Confused or Misspelled Words
13 Using the Dictionary
14 Using and Overusing the Thesaurus
Section III Review of Basic Punctuation and Mechanics: An Editing Guide
15 The Comma
16 The Semicolon
17 The Colon
18 The Period, Exclamation Point, and Question Mark
19 The Apostrophe
20 Quotation Marks
21 The Hyphen
22 The Dash
23 Parentheses
24 Brackets
25 The Slash
26 Ellipses
27 Capitalization
28 Italics
Section IV Sentence Level: Basic Grammar
29 The Simple Sentence
30 The Compound Sentence
31 The Complex Sentence
32 The Compound-Complex Sentence
Section V Sentence Level: Basic Usage and Style
33 Sentence Focus
34 Sentence Functions
35 Sentence Order
36 Sentence Length
Section VI Documentation
37 MLA Documentation
38 APA Documentation
- Presents grammar and usage in context with related sentences and exercises
- Provides special focus on the most common writing problems
- Includes features such as “Helpful Hints” and “Did You Know?” to provide background or historical information
- New MLA and APA guidelines
- Revision and Editing symbols located on the inside back cover for easy reference
- Contains a laminated Quick Editing Roadmap insert to help students revise and proofread
Answers to Book Exercises
A. Section I
B. Section II
C. Section III
D. Section IV
A. Section I
B. Section II
C. Section III
D. Section IV